Little People

Blink and it's gone - an old adage maybe, but how often have you looked through an album from childhood and thought, why didn't we get more photo's when they were that small?

Capturing images of your children is one of the delights of becoming a parent, watching them grow, seeing those first steps and hearing those first words are memories which last a lifetime. Being a mother myself, I know how important it is to have recorded my daughters at varying ages and stages of development.

I am passionate about my work and feel honoured to be able to record and document the little people I meet. As you will see from my portfolio, I encourage clients to have their shoot either at home or on location in a favourite park, the beach, the fair, wherever they feel comfortable. The only limits are for me heights - not good with them - and your imagination. Some of the best photographs have been taken in disused farm buildings or in the middle of the sand dunes.

I hope you enjoy viewing the following selection of my recent work and look forward to hearing from you about booking your own session.